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Sachendra is a US Alliance 200 Hours registered yoga teacher from Gyan Ganga Yog Peeth in Rishikesh, the World Capital of Yoga. He has more than 1 year teaching experience and has travelled to countries like Thailand and Indonesia to teach in Yoga Retreats. He is also an Ayurvedic Massage Therapist with 6 months of experience. He is practicing Meditation and Mantra chanting in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand from last 6 months. Sachendra has done Masters in Computer Applications and worked in Multi National IT Company in Pune before choosing the path of Travelling and Spirituality. His philosophies are based on the experiences he has gathered by travelling all across India.

Ever wonder what you're chanting before, after and during yoga class that always seems to instill a profound sense of calmness and peace? If you're a Hindu you must have heard Mantras in your own house or in the community you're living in. Mantras or hymns are a common way to invoke the almighty and that supreme power in many religions across the world. They are widely prevalent in Hinduism and are also found in other religions, such as Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, and even Christianity.

Mantras are sacred utterances, which may contain words and sounds. They have a deep spiritual significance. Mantras, when combined with meditation, are an effective way to connect with the larger cosmic energy. Mantra meditation is common in ancient yogic practices and tantric rituals. But modern-day health enthusiasts and holistic healers have found its usage in helping people achieve peace of mind and health.

In today's world, Mental health is as important as Physical health and through this class we are trying to achieve peace of mind and mental health.

Online Zoom Class details,

Duration : 40 Mins

Time : Early morning or Sunset

Contribution Per Class : 300 INR

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